Monday, 27 September 2010

Welcome to the Gallery...

Here you can buy the photos from Clive and Jennys wedding and you can find a collection of photos which consist of group and individual shots. If you would like to buy photos, please email me your requirements regarding sizes and numbers required. I will arrange for the photographs to be with you within 7-10 days thereafter. Cash payment  is required when placing your order, I will send you my address for payment once your order has been agreed.

Size and Prices below as follows...

15cm x 10cm = £4
18cm x 13cm = £6
23cm x 15cm = £8
25cm x 20cm = £10

Email me what sizes are required and "copy" the photo(s) you would like to my email address and I will arrange for the photo(s) to be processed and presented in a frame for you.

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